Little Love Outside My Patio

The sun was bright, when I woke up to find in the patio; a little emotion. It was struggling for life, with an overwhelming agony... The emotion couldn't eat or drink anything I fed to it. Even my comforting words had little effect.

After a couple of hours of torment, the emotion gave up. It was dead! It died, right on my patio.

A sudden paroxysm was what; I went through! It was an unnerving moment, which completely trapped me.

I got up and walked away, I was heartbroken to see an emotion die today. I thought to my self the world cannot afford to see another emotion die , so that is why I left a little love outside my patio just incase another emotion comes looking for it.

And so I left a little love outside my patio...

 Author Profile

Lisbon Ferrao is a published writer and is known for his book ‘Kaihan’. An explorer of sorts, Lisbon works are more experimental in nature. He likes to write and posts his works on his personal blog regularly.

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